In a widely anticipated decision, the Second Circuit on Wednesday clarified the standard for insider trading actions against tippees, downstream recipients of inside information who trade on that information. The court overturned the criminal convictions of two hedge fund portfolio managers who were convicted in 2013 as part of a massive sweep by New York … Continue Reading
For the second time in as many months, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Corporation Finance (“Corp Fin”) has issued a Revised Statement on Well-Known Seasoned Issuer Waivers (“WKSIs”). As we mentioned last month, WKSIs are issuers of securities that can get the benefit of registering their securities offerings on shelf registrations that become … Continue Reading
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Corporation Finance (“Corp Fin”) recently updated its guidance concerning how it will evaluate requests for waivers by Well Known Seasoned Issuers (“WKSI”) who would otherwise become ineligible to be WKSIs under Rule 405 of the Securities Act.. According to Corp Fin, this update is more of a … Continue Reading