On February 14, 2019, the European Commission, European Parliament, and Council of the European Union reached agreement on new rules designed to ensure a fair, transparent and predictable business environment to the benefit of both end consumers and entrepreneurs using third party online platforms for their business. The new rules will be implemented by way … Continue Reading
On 12 July 2017, the German government adopted new provisions amending the German Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance (Außenwirtschaftsverordnung – “AWV”). By implementing the new rules, Germany is trying to stop losing know-how to foreign countries by blocking unwanted takeovers by non-European companies. The amendments are regarded as a response to the takeover of German … Continue Reading
Facebook is faced with a fine of EUR110 million (US$122 million) for providing misrepresentative or incorrect information to the European Commission when it filed the acquisition of WhatsApp for merger approval in 2014. In the notification, Facebook stated it would not be able to reliably link Facebook users’ accounts and WhatsApp users’ accounts. However, two … Continue Reading
The “Digital Strategy 2025”, adopted by the German Federal Government on March 1, 2016, aims to ensure that Germany remains a growing, modern and significant financial marketplace in an increasingly digitalized environment. Measures proposed under the Digital Strategy 2025 include the further development of Germany’s regulatory landscape, in particular in the areas of competition and … Continue Reading