Tag Archives: cloud computing

Modernizing Government Technology Act Passes House, Moves to Senate

The revised Modernizing Government Technology Act (HR 2227) passed the House by voice vote May 17. Identical legislation already has been introduced in the Senate by Sens. Gerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.), and with strong bipartisan and industry support, the bill is expected to advance to the president in upcoming weeks. As Reed … Continue Reading

Regulatory Round Up 10 .20. 11

The Wolfsberg Group recently published its Anti-Corruption Guidance, which leads me to assume that someone, somewhere, is drafting Corruption Guidance. Perhaps those old cartoons were on to something? More evidence that when it comes to cloud computing, no one knows what to do. People do bad things on the internet? Say it ain’t so. For … Continue Reading

Cloud Computing – The Key Risks and Rewards for Federal Government Contractors

This post was written by Lorraine Campos, Stephanie Giese, and Joelle Laszlo. Whether or not you believe cloud computing represents a revolutionary change in the provision of software and data processing services, the cloud and its lexicon have become firm fixtures in corporate enterprise management and, more recently, in doing business with the federal government. As … Continue Reading