Tag Archives: DFARS

Riding the cybersecurity compliance wave: How defense contractors can navigate the rising tide of cybersecurity regulations

Cybersecurity attacks targeting government information have drastically increased, and both the federal government and private industry have struggled to implement effective means of protecting this information. Federal agencies continue to strive for a unified approach to protect critical data; however, the various regulations leave contractors without a clear set of requirements that are applicable to … Continue Reading

Reed Smith’s Government Contracts Weekly Rundown

Here is a rundown of last week’s top developments related to government contracts to get you back on track and ready for Monday. 1. ACCESS TO SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS = CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Court of Federal Claims upheld the VA’s decision to cancel a contract award, agreeing that the contractor’s access to solicitation documents created … Continue Reading

Help Not Wanted: Delinquent Taxpayers and Felony Convicts Still Not Sought as Contracting Partners to the U.S. Government

This post was written by Joelle E.K. Laszlo. The pool of potential competitors for federal contracts may have just gotten a little bit smaller. On February 21, 2014, the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics issued a memorandum to all Department of Defense (“DOD”) contracting agencies and officers instructing that, effective immediately and … Continue Reading