Tag Archives: government contractors

What a New ‘Space Corps’ Military Branch Could Mean for Government Contractors

The House and Senate Armed Services Committees recently completed their respective markups of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The House version requires the Pentagon to establish the “U.S. Space Corps” – the first new military branch in 70 years – by January 1, 2019. The proposed Space Corps would fall under the secretary … Continue Reading

Your Contract Requires You To Be Named as an Additional Insured: Are You?

Last week, New York joined the ranks of several states that may limit a government contractor’s access to insurance coverage despite being added, as set forth in the contract, as an “additional insured” under a prime or subcontractor’s insurance policy. Generally, it is within the purview of a government contractor to add its prime or … Continue Reading

Public Availability Requirement Has Contractors Wondering: ‘Will FAPIIS Trap Us?’

This post was written by Joelle Laszlo. In a twist lauded by proponents of government transparency, the 2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act (“Act”) signed by President Obama July 29, 2010, requires that nearly all of the information contained in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (“FAPIIS”) be made available on the Internet. Specifically, the … Continue Reading

Central Contractor Registration? Nothing Central About It – New Government Contractor Reporting Requirements on Subcontracts and Compensation

This post was written by Lorraine Campos and Steve Tibbets. Federal contractors can add yet another item to their lists of databases in which they register and disclose information. As of July 8, 2010, contracting officers are to modify certain federal contracts to include a Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) clause that requires certain contractors to … Continue Reading

Cloud Computing – The Key Risks and Rewards for Federal Government Contractors

This post was written by Lorraine Campos, Stephanie Giese, and Joelle Laszlo. Whether or not you believe cloud computing represents a revolutionary change in the provision of software and data processing services, the cloud and its lexicon have become firm fixtures in corporate enterprise management and, more recently, in doing business with the federal government. As … Continue Reading