In December 2013, the Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) released its long-awaited final guidance for grants and other Federal non-procurement awards, entitled “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.” See 78 Fed. Reg. 78589. Also referred to as “the Super Circular,” this final guidance is “a key component of a … Continue Reading
This post was also written by Joelle E.K. Laszlo. Full and open competition is a bedrock principle in federal contracting, so government initiatives to expand competition, like the interim rule on multiple-award schedule (“MAS”) contracts that took effect this summer, should come as no surprise. But competition breeds a lot of different things, and enhanced … Continue Reading
This post was also written by Joelle E.K. Laszlo. Federal grant awardees are about to join contractors in the transparent government revolution. Beginning in November, awardees of prime grants valued at $25,000 or more may be required to report certain executive compensation information about themselves and their subgrantees. The new reporting requirements, established under the … Continue Reading
This post was also written by Jonathan Benner and Matt Thomas. The Department of Transportation has announced the availability of $600 million in grants for capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure for projects that “will have a significant impact on the Nation; a metropolitan area; or a region” (Docket No. DOT-OST-2010-0076). This program is a continuation … Continue Reading