Tag Archives: health

A Brave New World? The “French Sunshine Act” imposes online disclosure of contracts with HCPs, as well as of payments of “advantages” to HCPs, dating back to 01 January 2012

In probably one the longest-awaited decrees in recent French regulation, the French Ministry of Health published on 22 May 2013, the application decree to the French Sunshine Act (dated 29 December 2011) implementing the specific ways and means that health care companies must disclose agreements with health care practitioners (“HCPs”), a term that includes medical … Continue Reading

New rules bring transparency, lower costs to consumers by requiring review of large insurance rate hikes

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a final Rule on Thursday, May 19, 2011 that provides for review of “unreasonable” premium rate increases and requires that: (1) insurance companies to provide consumers with information about the reasons for such rate increases, and (2) states provide an opportunity for public input in the … Continue Reading

Do the Midterm Election Results mean a Recipe for Gridlock?

The midterm elections are (finally) over. With the Republicans taking over the House of Representatives next year and the Democrats keeping control of the Senate, albeit by a smaller margin, the question is what, if anything, will get accomplished in the 112th Congress? Overall, the chance for passage of major legislative initiatives in areas such … Continue Reading