Tag Archives: Regulations

Proposed FinCEN Regulations Would Bring New AML Requirements to Investment Advisers

Investment advisers subject to SEC registration would be affected by proposed regulations from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.  The regulations, proposed in August 2015, would require such investment advisers to create anti-money laundering programs as well as to undertake reporting and recordkeeping responsibilities under the Bank Secrecy Act, including filing suspicious activity reports. For more … Continue Reading

The Protest is in the Mail: GAO and COFC Differences Regarding Treatment of Late Bid Proposals

What happens when a bid proposal is sent via e-mail prior to the submission deadline but not by the proper party until after the submission deadline has passed? Turns out, the answer depends on whether the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) or the Court of Federal Claims (“COFC”) is reviewing the matter. A government contractor dealing … Continue Reading