The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has recently issued an interim rule that proposes to amend the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to limit, with some exceptions, the acquisition of personal protective equipment (PPE) and certain other products from non-allied foreign nations, including the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, the People’s Republic of … Continue Reading
Dawn raids cause cataclysmic upheaval and often catch businesses off guard; a company’s initial response can have a significant impact on their ability to influence the outcome. With regulatory authorities having ever greater search and seizure powers in the Asia-Pacific region, it is paramount that businesses prepare for when enforcement officers come knocking. In our … Continue Reading
New enforcement actions and media allegations have been brought in China’s ongoing regulatory crackdown on the life sciences industry. Reed Smith continues to monitor these developments and has prepared this update on the pharmaceutical and device sectors. For a detailed summary regarding recent developments, click here. … Continue Reading
Australian national Trent Martin agreed not to challenge a U.S. extradition order in Hong Kong’s Eastern Magistrates Court January 4, 2012. This is the second time in more than 10 years that U.S. authorities have extradited someone on insider trading charges. Please click here to read the issued Client Alert.… Continue Reading