Tag Archives: Sentinel

Exports, Customs & Trade Sentinel, Vol. VII, No. 3 (Summer 2010)

Articles in This Issue: A Summer of Sanctions: World Leaders Respond to Iranian Obstinacy New Department of Justice Guidance Seeks to Bolster Confidence in the Use of Independent Monitors Round 2: Encryption Controls Streamlining The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming! – Preparing for the Launch of the Bribery Act of 2010 Government Procurement … Continue Reading

Exports, Customs & Trade Sentinel, Vol. VII, No. 2 (Spring 2010)

Articles in This Issue: Reading, Writing, and Export Control: Lessons Learned from Professor Roth Conducting Discovery in the United States for Cases Pending Abroad The Evolution of the FCPA’s ‘Knowledge’ Requirement Twitter, Facebook and Instant Messaging – The Export of Personal Communication Capabilities to Iran, Cuba and Sudan Daimler Statement Over Corrupt Practices Approved Enforcement … Continue Reading