Back in 2013, we reported that the Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”) is not required to give veteran-owned small businesses (“VOSBs”) or service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses (“SDVOSBs”) preference for all contracts. In Kingdomware Technologies, Inc. v. United States (“Kingdomware”), the United States Court of Federal Claims accepted the VA practice of purchasing off the Federal … Continue Reading
This post was written by Cody Roberts, Gunjan Talati and David Cohen. The government is a frequent litigant as both a plaintiff and defendant on a variety of matters at any given time. Like many other litigants, the government sometimes finds itself needing litigation support. Litigation support contractors fill that need and, because of a … Continue Reading
This post was written by Gunjan Talati. In October 2010, the Small Business Administration suspended government contractor GTSI Corp. for alleged improper contracting relationships with small business contractors. The suspension lasted for two weeks and was only lifted when GTSI entered into an administrative agreement with the SBA. The damage, however, was done, and according … Continue Reading
This post was written by Gunjan Talati. Earlier this month, the government issued an interim rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement set-aside requirements of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. The Small Business Jobs Act amended the Small Business Act to require the government to set aside parts of a multiple-award … Continue Reading